Quick Ways To Show Your Husband You Love and Appreciate Him
After being married for a while, we can become lazy with the effort we put in for our husbands. They work hard for us and deserve to know just how much we appreciate them. These quick ways to show your husband you love and appreciate him are easy to do and will benefit you both.

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1. Leave Him A Note
Finding a note as a surprise is always a good feeling. It shows that you went the extra mile and put a little extra thought into your actions. Leave the note on his work clothes or bathroom mirror, so it’ll be the first thing he sees when He gets up in the morning.
It doesn’t have to be long and drawn out, but just a heartfelt message about your appreciation for him. Try to be specific so your husband knows exactly what you appreciate and love about him.
Some example messages:
- Thank you for working so hard for us every day!
- I’m so grateful for how handy you are at fixing things around the house.
- Thank you for making me feel loved and protected each day.
- Seeing you walk through the door after work is the favorite part of my day.

2. Buy or Make Him His Favorite Food
It is such a great feeling when you have somebody that truly knows you. Show your husband you know him and care about his wants by bringing him his favorite snack/dessert/etc.
My husband loves gummy bears. It is so easy for me to throw a bag in the cart at check-out when I’m grocery shopping. When I get home and give it to him, he knows that he was on my mind while I was away. It shows him that he’s important to me.
Kudos if you make something from scratch. That not only shows that you were thinking about him, but that you put even more effort into showing him you love him & appreciate him by your labor of love.
One snack idea is this easy recipe for Peanut Butter Oatmeal Balls. My husband loves them because they are like a snack & dessert all in one.
3. Bring Him A Drink
Along with his favorite food, don’t forget about his favorite beverage! Think about how nice it would be if your husband walked into the room with a glass of wine or your favorite blend of hot tea? It just screams, “I love you!”
The same goes for our husbands. Bring him his favorite beverage when he’s watching tv or working on something. It is a quick and easy way to show him that you appreciate him.

4. Tidy Up His Space
My husband works from home. I like to take a few minutes periodically to clean up his office space. You might sweep out his shop, organize his bathroom sink, tidy up his side of the closet, etc.
Laboring for our husbands is a way to show them that we love them and appreciate them. It doesn’t have to be hours of deep cleaning. Just take a few minutes to focus on one space to show your husband some love.
5. Heat Up His Towel While He’s In The Shower
My husband gave me this idea. One time while I was in the shower, he came in with a fresh, warm towel that he had just gotten out of the dryer.
Now, I like to occasionally pop a towel in the dryer if I hear him turn the shower on. I listen for him to turn the shower off & promptly bring it in to him.
It’s a quick and easy way to give him some comfort & show him that I love him.
6. Send Him A Sweet Text/Email
While your husband is away, you can send him a sweet text or email to brighten his day. This will show him that you’re thinking about him.
It is nice for him to hear how much you appreciate him while he is working hard. Express your appreciation for him and maybe give him something to look forward to when he returns home like a nice meal you’re making for him or a massage that you can’t wait to give him.
7. Give Him A Break
Sometimes the best way to show our husband we appreciate him is by giving him some space. He works hard and has stresses that we sometimes don’t realize.
Telling him that you want him to spend a few hours relaxing without disruptions will show him that you love him and appreciate the hard work he does for you.
This might look different for everybody, but it is a great way to learn more about how your husband would like to use time to relax. He might just want to watch TV alone or go out to a sporting event by himself.
Don’t take it personally, but recognize that he might not get alone time to himself often and we can all benefit from some time alone.

8. Pray For Him & Yourself
Pray for your husband daily. Let him know how you’re specifically praying for him so he knows he’s covered in prayer. It helps to show your husband that you love him when he knows you’re praying for him.
Also, pray for wisdom that God will show you any areas that your husband is feeling under-appreciated in. You might not realize that your husband is feeling neglected in certain areas, so you can lean into the Holy Spirit to show you where you can improve.
Final Thoughts
Marriage is constant work, but in a good way. Our husbands deserve to know that we love them and appreciate them every day.
Sometimes it seems like a huge chore, but if you find quick and easy ways to show them, it feels less overwhelming.
Mix it up! Choose a new way each day to show your husband he is loved and appreciated.
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